Many of our clients seek acupuncture for weight loss. There are a lot of weight loss techniques, diets, and supplements out there. Some are fads, some are useful. Can acupuncture magically melt away fat? No, nothing can, but your...
Acupuncture for Pain Management
Most of us have suffered physical pain from injury or other causes and know the suffering and disruption this creates. The pain may be chronic or short-lived. It may stem from injury, systemic dysfunction like poor digestion and food sensitivities, or disease. Common...
5 Reasons to Try Acupuncture For Stress and Anxiety Relief
“I’m so stressed out!” “I’m under a deadline at work all the time, and I can’t shut off at the end of the day.” “I feel anxious all the time and can’t relax.” “My doctor warned me to reduce stress--she’s worried about my heart.”These statements are all too common in...
3 Ways Acupuncture Helps Fertility
Acupuncture is known for its pain-relieving, stress-reducing, and relaxing benefits, but also treats infertility. Here’s how it can help your fertility.
Can acupuncture help migraines and headaches?
If you suffer from chronic pain, you know just how life-altering it can be. Unrelenting pain can impact your life in ways that others don’t understand.
Acupuncture for Winter Wellness
Winter is in full bloom. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, each season has an associated meridian, and in the winter, the Kidney Meridian needs more attention. The kidneys are responsible for our “Jing” energy. There isn’t an exact English translation for Jing, but the best word to describe it is our essence or our vitality.
Acupuncture for colds and flu
Since the beginning of humankind the cold and flu have had devastating effects on entire populations. Now the coronavirus is making headlines. Although our medical advancements have greatly decreased fatality rates the cold, flu, and the coronavirus can still be...