Insurance for Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practices, once referred to in the U.S. as “alternative medicine,” are now considered complementary to standard Western medicine practices. In 1998, a study done by the Minnesota Department of Health laid the groundwork for health insurance plans in our state to begin covering acupuncture and other TCM therapies.
The study confirmed what Chinese Medicine practitioners have known for centuries: that acupuncture and other TCM therapies are safe and effective for treating many conditions. TCM can be effective alone or alongside Western medicine, depending on the condition(s) you are being treated for.
The list of conditions treated with acupuncture, first published by the World Health Organization at the turn of this century, opened the door for patients to try more natural remedies before prescription drugs or risky surgeries. Today, even prestigious Western medicine health systems like the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, offer acupuncture services.
Many insurance companies cover acupuncture treatments.
To determine if your insurance covers acupuncture and other Traditional Chinese Medicine therapies, call the phone number on the back of your card and ask these questions:
- Is acupuncture a covered service?
- If yes, what are my copay and deductible amounts?
- Do I have a visit limit?
- Do I need a prior authorization?
We currently accept:
- Health Partners
- Blue Cross Blue Shield
- UCare
- Medica
- Preferred One
- Cigna
- Auto insurance
- Medicaid
- Workers Compensation Insurance
- Cash
- Check
- Credit or debit cards
We currently do not accept:
- Medicare
Merriam Park Acupuncture practitioners can address your physical and emotional pain by bringing your body and mind back into balance.
Please note, insurance will only cover the management of chronic pain. Check with your health insurance company about coverage for our acupuncture services and start your journey to optimal health and wellness today!